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Voters Approved the 2024-25 School Budget

Whitehall CSD Superintendent Patrick Dee is pleased to share the passage of the Whitehall School budget 138 to 55.

The Bus Proposition Passed 144 to 48
The Capital Reserve Passed 145 to 47
"I would also like to congratulate our current BOE member, Chris Dudley on his reelection to the Board," said Mr. Dee. "Mr. Dudley received 128 votes."
Write-in Marilyn Borden received 100 Votes and will be seated immediately in the current vacant position. 
Candidate Shannon Newell received 85 votes and will take her seat on the Board effective July 1, 2024 at the completion of Mr. Barber's term. 
Write-in Dina St. Clair received 44 votes and will not be seated on the BOE. 
Thank you again to all of our community members for coming out to vote and for supporting the school district budget!